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  1. fiber_new event01/07/2025

    Select Spectrum Partners with Access Spectrum to Facilitate Upper 700 MHz A Block Wireless Solutions for U.S. Industries.

  2. event08/20/2024

    Select Spectrum Launches Nationwide Availability of CBRS Priority Access Licenses (PALs) on Spectrum Marketplace

  3. event07/23/2024

    GCT Semiconductor and Ligado Networks Announce Commercial Availability of Band 54 Modules

  4. event05/16/2024

    1.6 GHz pLTE ecosystem matures with FCC approval for Ubiik Band 54 base station

  5. event01/30/2024

    Ubiik boosts throughput & resilience for utilities using Band 103 for NB-IoT applications

  6. event10/10/2023

    GCT Semiconductor and Ligado Networks Partner to Enable Commercial Device Operation on Band 54 Spectrum (

  7. event10/06/2023

    Ligado Networks and Ubiik Announce New Private LTE Base Station for Band 54 Spectrum (

  8. event3/22/2023

    Select Spectrum’s Most Recent Part 22 Transaction Lays the Foundation to Revitalize A Major Investor-Owned Utility’s Voice and Data Network

  9. event1/31/2023

    Ubiik and Realtek Announce Nimbus 220, a Dedicated NB-IoT Module for Upper 700 MHz A Block (3GPP band 103) - Perfect for Utilities and IoT Applications

  10. event10/12/2022

    PowerTrunk and Select Spectrum Announce Private 4G/5G and TETRA Networks on the 1670-1675 MHz Band

  11. event4/19/2022

    Select Spectrum and Access Spectrum Announce Upper 700 MHz A Block Becomes Official 4G/5G NB-IoT Band 103

  12. event1/18/2022

    Ligado Announces Market Availability of Nationwide Mid-Band Spectrum

  13. event7/20/2021

    Access Spectrum, LLC and BPC Spectrum LLC Finalize Sale of Upper 700 MHz A Block Spectrum Licenses Throughout Nevada to Blockchains, Inc

  14. event3/2/2021

    Puloli and Telit Announce New Modules for Private IoT Networks

  15. event2/2/2021

    Puloli and Quectel Offer Utilities New Proven, Cost-Effective Options

  16. event9/22/2020

    Select Spectrum Announces CBRS Secondary Market Plans

    Select Spectrum Announces CBRS Secondary Market Plans

  17. event5/12/2020

    Puloli Private IoT Networks Compatible with Qualcomm IoT Modem

  18. event6/17/2019

    Select Spectrum and Puloli Announce Private LTE NB-IoT Network in Upper 700 MHz A Block


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These videos provide valuable insights into our field and showcase collaborations we’ve been directly involved in. We’ve curated them here to make it easy for you to access and explore these important resources.

  1. webinar-puloli
    play_circle_filled play_circle_outline

    Why Work with Select Spectrum? We can help find licensed spectrum for wireless applications!

  2. why work with select spectrum
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    220 MHz Acquiring Spectrum and Deploying cnReach for SCADA applications

  3. why work with select spectrum
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    cnReach wireless connectivity for Industrial IoT webinar